Hi, my name is

Gautier Darchen.

I am passionate about web technologies.

Senior Software Engineer at Contentsquare, specialized in React, Node.js and DevOps technologies.

About Me
As a Senior Software Engineer, I really love new technologies and the challenges they represent in our current society. I particularly enjoy web development and DevOps activities.
After five years of study at INSA Rouen-Normandie in the Department of Architecture of Information Systems where I specialized in the web and data mining, I decided to realize my end of studies project at Takima. The high level of technical requirements and the importance of human relations in this company were two factors behind my decision to embark on this adventure.
On the other hand, I was lucky to be able to follow the "Takima Academy" course, a 10-week training during which my skills were increased tenfold, especially those around the Java, web and DevOps environments. During this training, I also learned about good development practices, code quality, the importance of tests, and agile methodologies.
From 2018 to 2020, I worked at Cartier as a consultant, where I built several fullstack applications to improve the working conditions and performance of craftsmen in luxury jewelry manufacturing workshops.
In 2020, I decided to join the Kannelle startup where I was in charge of developing from scratch an administration platform enabling to configure the experience within the mobile application, as well as a video editor. During the mission, I was also given the responsibility for the back-end, DevOps and cloud architecture.
In 2022, I took part in a great adventure by joining a french unicorn named Swile 🦄. Working in the "Places" team as a Software Engineer, I was in charge of developing many features related to the geolocation of the restaurants and shops affiliated with Swile, enhancing the existing product, contributing to the roadmap, etc. I have then been promoted Senior Software Engineer and worked actively on the ecommerce platform.
At the end of 2024, I chose to join Contentsquare in a core team in order to seek to have a more transversal impact.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
JavaScript (ES6+)
Tailwind CSS
Github Actions
Portfolio profile
Experience & Education
Senior Software Engineer@ Contentsquare
September 2024 - todayParis (full remote), Francecontentsquare.com
December 2019 - todayParis, FranceWebUSB to the rescue!
Interaction between a web app and a hand-made NFC USB Reader with the WebUSB API.
When developing a tool that interacts with an external device, we are usually forced to develop fat clients or use containers like Electron.
Why not use the browser directly?
Yes, your browsers, including Chrome, have more and more APIs to access the native parts of your equipment.
Come discover the WebUSB API through a simple example: the realization of a NFC card reader with 100% of web code.
Node.js Paris Meetup
React.js Paris Meetup
Takima Meetup
Devoxx 2020
Project Reacli - A React CLI image
February 2019Paris, FranceReacli - A React CLI
With two friends, we created and maintain a NPM library, "Reacli".
It is a CLI for React, enabling to create components, hooks... and customize it with a lot of options!
Project Virtual agent image
Septembre 2018 - January 2019INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceVirtual agent
At INSA Rouen, we created a mobile application to propose a virtual agent with whom we can discuss. It is possible to ask it to set up an alarm. It asks the questions oriented to have all the necessary information.
The buzzer associated with the alarm will match the weather of the user's location when it rings.
Project Big Data and tweet in real time image
Septembre 2018 - January 2019INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceBig Data and tweet in real time
At INSA Rouen, we worked with Cassandra File System so as to analyze a big amount of tweets and evualuate a global valence.
We are then able to say if the majority of the people who have tweeted are for or against a given subject.
Project Stratow for AEROW Solutions image
January 2017 - January 2018INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceStratow for AEROW Solutions
Half-time project realized at the INSA Rouen-Normandie for the company AEROW Solutions. In a team of eight students, this ISO 9001:2015 certified project aims to set up the transition from the web platform of Electronic Document Management to MVC (Model-View-Controller) by using the Symfony framework, as well as the complete redesign of the front-end architecture (thanks to the Bootstrap framework). We developped in TDD (Test Driven Development) and the working methodology is an Agile Method named Scrum.
During the first 6 months, I was Project Manager.
Project Instant messaging application image
January 2017 - April 2018INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceInstant messaging application
In Java 8 and using the RMI technology as part of a Distributed Computing course, creation of an instant messaging application, enabling users to chat from different machines. Users can choose a pseudo, a profile avatar, and decide in which conversation they want to chat. It is also possible to chat with an artificial intelligence (AI). Finally, the user can also select words that he wants the application to filter.
There are two graphic interfaces available: one developed thanks to JavaFX, the other one to be used in a terminal.
Java 8JavaFXAIRMIMessaging
Project Development of an iOS application image
September 2016 - January 2017INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceDevelopment of an iOS application
In Swift language (Cocoa Touch), the goal was to develop an application for iPhone, so as to offer the users a contextual help. The targeted users are tourists visiting France (location of interest points, useful telephone numbers...).
Project Development of a screen blurrer image
September 2016INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceDevelopment of a screen blurrer
In Python using the OpenCV library, development of an application enabling the user to use his computer and displaying the image recorded by the webcam as soon as a person appears behind him. Thus, on the displayed image, a green frame indicates the location of the new detected face so as to let the user know who is spying him.
There exists two other modes as the one presented before: a "zen" mode displaying a code snapshot as soon as a third person appears behind the screen, and an "ironman" mode displaying an IronMan mask on every detected people.
Project Portable game console image
January 2016 - May 2016INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FrancePortable game console
Complete designing of a Breakout clone using an Arduino Mega driven with an analog joystick: designing the electronic circuits, choosing and buying electronic components, designing a 3D-printed housing, development of a Breakout-style game in the Arduino language.
Project Development of mini adventure game image
October 2015 - January 2016INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceDevelopment of mini adventure game
In Java 8, creation of a mini terminal adventure game in a team of 2 members. The game demonstrates most of Java 8 possibilities.
Java 8
Project Development of an Othello game image
October 2015 - January 2016INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceDevelopment of an Othello game
In language C and using the V-Model, set up a version of the Othello game with an artificial intelligence (AI) with the Min-Max algorithm.
Project Conception of a bASIc personal compiler image
October 2015 - January 2016INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceConception of a bASIc personal compiler
Using Lex and Yacc, creation of a personal compiler named bASIc. It can recognise simple boolean expressions (if - then - else) and can handle inputs and outputs.
Project Conception of a Memory game image
October 2014 - January 2015INSA Rouen-Normandie, Rouen, FranceConception of a Memory game
Using Pascal and SDL, development of a Memory game. This game proposes 3 different levels, and manages a ranking.
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Technology watch
Built by Gautier Darchen
Inspired from B.Chiang's and A.Anaflous's websites